
Paula Lopez-Arce


Research Associate at The Property Care Association (PCA) and the University College London (Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE), The Bartlett, School of Environment, Energy and Resources Faculty of the Built Environment (UK).

Paula Lopez-Arce holds a PhD in Geology (2004) by Universidad Complutense Madrid (UCM) in partnership with the Natural History Museum of Spain (CSIC) and the Technology Centre of a Trade Association for Research and industrial development of natural resources, Aitemin (Spain). Her main research lines include physical-chemical weathering processes of building materials exposed to different environmental conditions, treatment of rising damp, moisture and salt decay, environmental monitoring and preservation strategies to avoid salt crystallisation in historic buildings. She has performed international research in UK, USA, Australia, Belgium and France. Currently she is employed as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Research Associate in partnership with Property Care Association (PCA) and The Bartlett Institute of Environment, Energy and Resources of University College London (UCL). She authors numerous contributions to international conferences, book chapters and scientific articles published in international peer-review indexed journals. Lopez-Arce main research topics include chemical, mineralogical and petrophysical characterisation; non-destructive analytical techniques; physical-chemical properties of construction and building materials; influence of environmental conditions on decay, consolidation treatments, conservation, restoration, compatibility and durability of materials from architectural and archaeological heritage: stone, bricks, mortars, cements, ceramics, salts, minerals, heavy metals and nanoparticles.



Ce projet s’intéressait à une thématique de grande importance dans les années à venir qui est le comportement des mortiers utilisés dans la restauration du patrimoine bâti en fonction du support (pierre) sur lequel il se trouve.

Autres Chercheurs


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Nathan Ferrandin-Schoffel

Docteur en chimie, Nathan Ferrandin-Schoffel a mené des recherches approfondies sur la désacidification et le renforcement mécanique des documents patrimoniaux sur papier.

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Laura Willot

Ingénieure de formation et diplômée d’un MSc en visualisation du patrimoine, Laura Willot effectue actuellement une thèse sur la classification automatique d’images photographiques.

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